2018 New Paltz XC Summer Series Point Totals (Hopefully Fixed)

Thanks to all that pointed out there was an issue with the overall points. I went back and noticed instead of including Lou’s Run I had pulled Undercliff Overcliff into the results twice.

Saying that…here’s the new update
2018 Summer Series Point Totals (4 Weeks)

Again, if you see any issues please don’t hesitate to contact me so I can fix my code.


2018 New Paltz XC Series #4 Results

What a great evening to finish off the races in the series. I believe Steve said this is the first year we’ve had over 200 finishers in each of the races. I mean, why wouldn’t they get more popular as they are in beautiful places with great people.

Once again I’d like to thank the volunteers immensely for their help in putting on these races. Without them there wouldn’t be any water being handed out or food ready to eat when you got back in. I’d like to suggest everyone volunteer for at least 1 race a year to get a feel for how much goes into a race. It gives you a completely different perspective and sense of accomplishment.

Results from week 4 are available below…
Lou’s Run – 2018 Summer Series Race 4 – Lou’s Run
Kids Mile & Half Mile – 2018 Summer Series Race 4 – Lous Run (Kids)

Here are the points standings after 4 races. Reminder that you needed at least 2 races and 4 points to get an award next week. The kids needed the same but if they run next week at the fun run they get a chance to earn another point.
Overall – Update: I’ve gotten a few people mentioning things are off with point totals so i’m looking into it.
Kids – 2018 Summer Series Kids Point Totals

Thank you all for the amazing turnout to the races. Next week is the fun run where you have 45 minutes to run as much as you like. We start at Garvan’s Gastropub in New Paltz, NY. After the run we’ll go into handing out the awards.

Hope to see a lot of turnout next week to get in a run together. I’m excited to get to run.

If you see any issues with results or have questions please contact me
~ Christopher (christopher.regan@gmail.com)

2018 New Paltz XC Summer Series #3 Results

Well, it was a muggy one out there last night but at least the heavy rain held off. We had a good turnout and I hope everyone made the right choice in their path that they chose.

Undercliff Overcliff Results – 2018 Summer Series Race 3 – Undercliff Overcliff
Kids Results – 2018 Summer Series Race 3 – Undercliff Overcliff (Kids)

Updated Blueberry Run Results – 2018 Summer Series Race 2 – Blueberry Run

Finally I’ve tallied the point totals so far for the series. You need at least 4 points and have finished 2 races.
2018 Summer Series Points (3 weeks)

Next week we move to the Spring Farm Trailhead in the Mohonk Preserve for Lou’s Run. Hoping the weather will be nice and we’ll all get to enjoy the last “race” in the series.

Let me know if there are any issues or corrections needed and we’ll see you next week…WITH YOUR BIBS 😀


2018 New Paltz XC Summer Series #2 – Blueberry Run Results

What an amazing turnout last night! Honestly I was surprised with the temperature and possible storms to have so many come out. Hopefully some of you enjoyed the cool water of Lake Minnewaska before or after the run. All in all it was a pretty nice evening for mid July.

First I want to get the bad news out of the way. We had some issues with our canine friends running with participants in the race. Because of this we need to implement a “no dogs” rule for future races. While we do love our furry friends we need to ensure the safety of all our participants. Thank you for your understanding and consideration of others.

Results from last night are available below…
Adults – 2018 Summer Series Race 2 – Blueberry Run
Kids – 2018 Summer Series Race 2 – Blueberry Run (Kids)
Note: 30 kids is also an incredible turnout

I’ve also slightly updated last weeks results with some changes in ages
Adults – 2018 Summer Series Race 1 – Pattersons Pellet
Kids – 2018 Summer Series Race 1 – Pattersons Pellet (Kids)

I’ll be working on getting the series point totals together over the next few days and will post that in a separate post.

Next week we move to the Mohonk Preserve. The race begins near the new bridge over 44/55 and allows 2 choices for your race path. 4.7 miles of carriage roads on Undercliff / Overcliff. There is absolutely no parking on 44/55! You will get ticketed or towed.
Parking is available in the West Trapps lot or at the Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center. The Visitor Center is a short tough hike up but a good warmup for the race. Make sure to leave yourself enough time to get to the race and carpool to save spots.

Finally don’t forget to bring back your bibs, please!!! 😀

See ya next week!

2018 New Paltz XC Summer Series #1 – Pattersons Pellet Results

First off…bring your bibs back next week as the same bib/chip will be used for timing

We had a great turnout for the first night of the summer series. The weather was magnificent and I honestly can’t say anything bad about the night. Hopefully you all enjoyed it just as much. Plus, it was the shortest and easiest of the series so there’s that…think of it as a warmup.

Thanks again to all the wonderful volunteers who help make the races great events.

Results are available here – 2018 Summer Series Race 1 – Pattersons Pellet
Kids results available here – 2018 Summer Series Race 1 – Pattersons Pellet (Kids)

I need to work on the points and will post that after next weeks race.

Reminder that next week is the Blueberry Run which is about 4 miles on carriage roads and grass surfaces. Same place as this weeks run. Kids start at 6:45 with adults following as close to 7 as possible.

2018 Summer Solstice Results

Thank you all for coming out to our first official race of 2018. Tomorrow morning we welcome summer and you all celebrated that tonight by running through the Shawangunk Ridge. It may have been cloudy and slightly rainy but that sunset was absolutely beautiful.

We hope you all had a wonderful time. We want to thank all the volunteers who help to make the events possible. Without them we certainly wouldn’t be able to put on the events we do.

Anyway, here’s the part you’re waiting for, the results…


Hopefully there’s no errors as I’ll be headed to Alaska until July 3rd. If you spot something shoot me an email at christopher.regan@gmail.com and I’ll figure it out as quickly as possible.

Thanks to Steve for race directing and hopefully we’ll see you for the summer series starting July 9th.


2018 Summer Series Registration Open!

Online registration is now open for the 2018 New Paltz XC Summer Series!


Date Event Description Location
July 9: Patterson’s Pellet 3m on carriage roads Upper Parking Lot of the Minnnewaska State Park Preserve
July 16: Blueberry Run 4m ramble through the blueberry fields and carriage roads Upper Parking Lot of the Minnnewaska State Park Preserve
July 23: Undercliff / Overcliff 5m on carriage roads West Trapp’s Trailhead of the Mohonk Preserve
July 30: Lou’s Run 4m of trails and carriage roads Springfarm Trailhead of the Mohonk Preserve
August 6: Fun Run & Awards Run up to 5 miles Garvan’s Gastropub, 215 Huguenot St, New Paltz, NY 12561

Each week will feature a 1/2 mile and 1 mile kids race
Kids Race Starts at 6:45pm | Adults immediately following

Day of registration is available
Individual Registration available below for $20
Family Registration available for $30.
Single Race Fee registration available on the day of the event – $10 Adult | $5 Kids

2018 Summer Solstice Registration Open!

That moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here!

Registration to the general public for the 2018 Summer Solstice 14k Trail Run is open at…

Race date: June 20th, 2018
Time: 6:30pm

Mail-in form: https://shawangunkrunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/2018-Summer-Solstice-Registration.pdf

The race is capped at 300 entries. This year we’re allowing transfer of registrations through zippyreg, where they charge a small fee to do so but should make it easier on all involved.

I’m also going to plug a few upcoming races…
4/14/18 – Rock and Snow “Bridge 2 Bridge” 5 Mile

4/29/18 – Rays’ Run 4 Mile

10/20/2018 – Rosendale Runs (4.4m Plains Run & Half Marathon)

We Want You…

to join us at some upcoming local races!

With the temperatures reaching into the 60’s hopefully you’re getting out and wiping off the cobwebs of your running shoes. After what seemed like an extra cold winter I’m happy to be able to get outside in short and a t-shirt even if it’s not quite spring yet.

Here’s a couple upcoming races that we’ll be participating in and/or helping at and we invite you to come out and join us. Each one is for it’s own amazing cause…no big companies just out to make a buck.

Have you been training all winter and now you’re ready to rock a half? Well the Celebrate Life Half Marathon has been going strong for years and touts itself as Not a Race. An Experience. Having run the race personally 5 times I can attest to it’s greatness. There may be a few hills, but when you’re struggling to climb them, just remember those with cancer who are getting helped because you supported this race.

Sunday March 11, 2018 in Rock Hill, NY
Details and Registration can be found at: https://celebratelifehalfmarathon.com/

Next up for those who may not be prepared for a half the Rock and Snow “Bridge 2 Bridge” Run is a great way to get in some miles in the beautiful Mohonk Preserve on some crunchy carriage roads. 5 miles through the trees, over the bridges, and next to streams…you won’t regret this run. All proceeds go to benefit the Mohonk Preserve.

Saturday April 14, 2018 in High Falls, NY
Details and Registration can be found at: http://www.mohonkpreserve.org/rock-and-snow-bridge-2-bridge-run

Finally, the shortest race but, might I say, the most fun. There’s nothing like finishing on the track to really make you feel like you’re racing to the finish line. This race also includes a free children’s race for the kiddos. It is held at Dietz Stadium and uses a course through the uptown neighborhood. All proceeds go the Raymond Caddy Memorial Scholarship Fund at Kingston High School. This event is well organized and has a well marked, manned and accurate course.

Sunday April 29, 2018 in Kingston, NY
Details and Registration can be found at: https://shawangunkrunners.com/raysrun/

Can’t wait to see you all out there on the roads/trails!