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2017 After The Leaves Half Marathon Pre-Race Info

Race Details…please read through whole post.

We’re 3 days from what I believe is going to be an amazing event. Weather is looking chilly for Sunday and temperatures should be in the high 30’s by the start of the race with partly cloudy skies. Please dress appropriately with layers.

First off, there is no registration day of. We’ve had incredible interest in the event and it sold out in 36 hours. At this point no more transfers will be accepted as we need to finalize the registration list for input into the timing system.

Google Map of entrance to Minnewaska State Park –,+Kerhonkson,+NY+12446/@41.7348297,-74.2763125,13z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x89dcdf9f7f073637:0x48a9b4b5f9bea3f8!2m2!1d-74.2412073!2d41.734835

Minnewaska charges an entry fee of $10 per car. Empire Passport is accepted but please do not buy them at the gate. Please carpool to both save money and save parking spots as parking will be tight. The park opens at 9am.

There will be a shuttle moving people from the lower parking lot to the upper lot if we need to park people in the lower lot.

Check-in begins at 10am in the field next to the upper parking lot. This is also where the race will start and end.

Official race start is 11:30am

General Info
Course: Starting near the Upper Minnewaska Parking Lot you head clockwise around Lake Minnewaska on (red-trail) towards the picnic area. You make a small loop and head back towards the start line. You head down the hill and onto the green trail heading towards Lake Awosting. Take the black trail around Lake Awosting counter clockwise. As you head up towards Castle Rock you will turn right onto Hamilton Point trail. You will then turn left to take a trail connector back to Castle Point Trail(blue trail) and back to start/finish area by going counter clockwise around Lake Minnewaska (red trail)- carriage trail surface, incredible views, pristine glacial lakes…a truly spectacular course

You can find a mapmyrun version of the course here –

Do not litter on the course! If you have something (empty gel packets, etc) please leave them at the water stations.

BIBs: Are assigned by last name. They MUST be worn on the front and visible. Your bib needs to be recorded after you cross the finish line for your time to be recorded. (Note: the race is not chip timed)

Finish Line: Only cross the finish line once. If you go back to run with a friend / family please do not cross the finish line a second time. Also since we need to record your bib # please slow down in the chute and do not pass (stay in order that you crossed the finish line) Please make sure the BIB recorded has recorded your proper number.

Finisher Glass: You will receive your glass as you exit the finish line chute.

Awards: Top 3 Overall Male / Female, Top 3 in both Male & Female age groups for the following 19 & Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over.

Water Stops: 3 water stops (water only) at ~4 miles, ~8 miles and ~11.5 miles

Bathrooms: Port-a-Potties are available near the upper lot. There are none on the course.

Early starters:  We’ve had many chose the option to early start. You should not choose to early start just to finish earlier. The only reason to early start would be that you won’t be able to finish by 2:15 if you start at 11:30. We have a few requests for those choosing to early start. There will be an “official” early start at 11am. We would like everyone done by 2:15pm at the latest. If you feel that it will take longer than 3:15 please chose to start even earlier than 11am. Early starters must do the following to properly have your time recorded…
1. You must self time. Either use a watch, phone or track what time you started / finished.
2. You must wear your bib on the front with the number turned backwards facing your body. This lets us know you are an early starter at the finish line.
3. There will be a special chute for early starters. Please do not cross the normal finish line.
4. You must come to the timing table to fill out a card with your information. BIB # and Time are the most important.
Note: If you are self timing you do not have to start with the official early starters but please let someone know you are starting.
Note 2: Because of how the timing works early starters may not appear in printouts at the race but will be included in the final results. This may also have an affect on rewards as you may not get put into the system early enough for awards. If there is a question please get a hold of a volunteer at the end of the race.

Post-race Food: Wraps and soup, bananas, apples, and cookies

Thanks all, see you Sunday!

Draft 8th Annual UlsterCorps Zombie Escape Results

Hi Everyone!

It was a fantastic day at Williams Lake for the 8th Annual UlsterCorps Zombie Escape! With the largest ever turnout for the event and some wonderful costumes I hope everyone had a great time.

Here are the DRAFT results and awards. Please take a look through them and if you see you’re missing, your time is wrong, or some other issue please contact me @ and we’ll try to get it sorted out.

Draft Results:

Draft Awards:

Rosendale Runs Results

While the weather may not have cooperated everyone seemed to take the race in stride and looked tough doing so. Congratulations to all runners in both races. I’d like to thank all the volunteers who without them we couldn’t put on such races. We’re especially thankful on days like today with tough conditions that these wonderful people donate their time to make the event great for the runners.

Here are the results for both race…

4.4 Results – 2017 Rosendale Runs Plains Run Results

Half Marathon Results – 2017 Rosendale Runs Half Marathon Results

Hope you’re all home dry and warm. We’ll see you all soon.

2017 Pfalz Point Trail Challenge Draft Results

Nice, warm day today for the Mohonk Preserve’s annual Pfalz Point 10 Mile Trail Challenge. The course record was broken by over a minute. Thanks to all the runners and volunteers.

The draft results are below…

There’s 1 outstanding issue…Bib #95 was written down for both place 102 and 161. I assume one of these wasn’t actually bib #95.

102 – Bib 95 – 1:39:51
161 – Bib 95 – 1:53:04
I’ll be checking the pictures as they come in to hopefully get this figured out but please take a look at the results and let me know if you are bib #95 or you are missing from the results.
A couple upcoming races that I’d like to make you aware of…
9/30/17 – The Shawangunk Runners presents Rosendale Runs (8:30am)
Half Marathon & 4.4 Mile Plains Run
You can register at
10/28/17 – UlsterCorps Zombie Escape (11:00am)
5k through trails and a cave with zombies trying to grab your flags.
Finisher medals to all participants this year!

After The Leaves Half Marathon – SOLD OUT!

It’s both good and bad news…the race has sold out. The runner limit the park has lowered our total number of entrants this year and the race sold out in a record time of less than 2 days. I’m sorry to say there is no wait list this year or deferrals. You can transfer your registration to someone else by contacting me at

All those registered should see updates here, on facebook and through email as we get closer to the event.


2017 After The Leaves Half Marathon Registration Open!

The day many have been waiting for has come. The 2017 After the Leaves Have Fallen Half Marathon has opened for general registration.

The race is taking place on Sunday November 12th at Minnewaska State Park.
The race will again start at 11:30 this year to accommodate the park not opening till 9.

The registration cap for this year is 300. There will be no refunds or deferrals this year. Transferring of a registration is allowed by contacting me @

Online registration is available at:

Mail-In Registration is available at:

If you are a paid Shawangunk Runner member and didn’t get my email, or if you deferred from last year and didn’t get my email please send me an email at

I’d like to include a few other races that the Shawangunk Runners are putting on or help with.

9/30/17 – The Shawangunk Runners presents Rosendale Runs: Half Marathon & Plains Run

9/24/17 – Pfalz Point Challenge: 10 Mile Trail Run

10/28/17 – 8th Annual UlsterCorps Zombie Escape

Rosendale Runs Volunteers Needed!

Rosendale Runs – Half Marathon & 4.4 Mile Plains Run is taking place on Saturday September 30th. The race goes off at 8:30am.

We are in need of more volunteers for the races then for our other races because it on public roads and rail trail crossings and two finish lines. There will also be a few water stops which will need volunteers.

100% of the proceeds go to the town of Rosendale Youth Rec programs

If you, your family, or friends can volunteer please contact me at

As always volunteering will result in a free entry to a Shawangunk Runners event in the future.

~ Steve (Shawangunk Runners President)

2017 New Paltz XC Summer Series Fun Run Info

Hi All

Tomorrow night is the Fun Run & Awards for the 2017 New Paltz XC Series. The event will be held at Garvan’s Gastropub (map). We have been asked to have you park BOCES just off Rt 32 & Huguenot Street. If you park in the NW corner it’ll be closest to Garvan’s.

Here is a link to where to park (map). I believe there’s a path from the parking that connects to the rail trail back there.

Weather’s not looking great so dress accordingly and maybe bring a change of clothes.
See you tomorrow evening!

NPXCSS#4 Lous Run Results & Fun Run Info

I would have been surprised if we hadn’t had at least one muggy race. Glad to see all the smiling faces for what was the last race in the series Monday night at the Mohonk Preserve. The earlier start time definitely helped with darkness and we have plans to discuss the possibility of changing the times for all races next year.

Thanks again to all the amazing volunteers who came back each week to help out. There would be no races without them. If you seem them at the Fun Run / Awards please make sure to thank them.

Here are the results for Week 4 – 2017NPXCS4 Results

Here is the results of the series showing who was able to get an award – 2017NPXCSS4 Points
(Reminder that to get an award you needed at least 4 points and to have run at least 2 races)

The Fun Run and Awards will be held on Monday August 7th at Garvan’s Gastropub in New Paltz, NY.
Google Map of Location

New Paltz XC Summer Series #4 Info

Hi All

Tomorrow night is the last “race” of the series taking place at Spring Farm Trailhead in the Mohonk Preserve. (MapChanges for this week…Kids will start at 6:45 with adults following immediately after (7-7:05) 

Lou’s Run is a mix of grass, single track and carriage roads. The race is planned to be a little shorter than in previous years because of darkness.

Here are the point totals through 3 races – 2017NPXCSS3 Points

Results for the races so far

Week 1 (Pattersons Pellet) – 2017NPXCS1 Results
Week 2 (Blueberry Run) – 2017NPXCS2 Results
Week 3 (Undercliff/Overcliff) – 2017NPXCS3 Results

Please send me an email if you see any issues at

See you tomorrow night!