I’ve had a few people ask me and I finally went out and ran the course today. Well, I ran and walked 🙂 I won’t say it’s not a little difficult especially for those of us runners who aren’t mountain goats. The mountain laurel was out in bloom and it was a beautiful summer morning.
Anyway, you can view the map here... https://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=rfctpotnttxvobci Instructions are in the link but I'll also put them here: Start at West Trapps Bridge in Mohonk Preserve Make a quick left onto Overcliff Carriage Road @2.3 miles make a left onto a small section of carriage road and then a another left which will put you on Laurel Ledge Continue on Laurel Ledge until about 4.2 miles where you'll continue right onto Humpty Dumpty Dr. @4.56 miles male a left onto Short Woodland Drive @4.85 miles make a right onto Old Minnewaska Trail @4.94 miles make a left onto Home Farm Drive @5 miles you'll make another left to stay on Home Farm Drive @5.09 miles you'll make a left to stay on Home Farm Drive Just before 5.1 miles you'll make a right onto Forest Drive @5.16 miles you'll make a right onto Old Stage Rd @5.73 you'll continue straight onto a single/double track trail called Glory Hill Trail When Glory Hill Trail hits Oakwood Drive you'll make a hard right Continue on Oakwood Dr until just after 7 miles when you'll make a left to go over Rhododendron Bridge Continue straight back onto Overcliff Carriage Road Overcliff Carriage Road will bring you back to West Trapps Bridge and the finish line Finally I'd like to mention that I'll be sending the first email to everyone with some info for the race on Wednesday, 2 weeks before the race. Mohonk Preserve has asked us to make sure we are clear that carpooling is a necessity since parking is limited. Also leave yourself enough time to get to West Trapps Bridge if you have to park at the Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center and hike up (it's about a mile).
Also I’ll be opening up the 46th Annual XC Summer Series on Monday so i’ll make a post about that come Monday.
Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weeked