Exciting that our first race in the cross country series starts tomorrow night. A change this year is the first race will be at Minnewaska State Park. Patterson’s Pellet is an ~3 mile run on carriage roads which brings you up Millbrook Mountain Carriage Road to this interesting geologic feature where it’s perched atop the cliffs above Palmaghatt Ravine. A fun fact about Patterson’s Pellet is that it’s a glacial erratic. They’re simply rocks that were picked up by the glaciers during the last ice age. When the glaciers melted some 12,000-10,000 years ago in the Hudson Valley, the rocks entrained within the ice simply dropped out.*
* Notes taken from Hudson Valley Geologist
Kids Races (1/2 & 1 mile) start at 7pm | Adults immediately following
Reminder that Minnewaska State Park charges a $10 per car entry fee so save some money and parking spots and car pool if you can.
Google Map Coordinates: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Minnewaska+State+Park/@41.7306536,-74.2548726,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89dcdf75cd22fec9:0x27e26df1a48a5981!8m2!3d41.7328922!4d-74.2279243
FEES FOR SERIES: family $30.00, individual adult $20.00; child/high school/college runners $10.00.*
FEES PER NIGHT: adult $10.00; kids $5.00.*
* No fee for paid 2016 Shawangunk Runners Members
Registration is still available till about noon on the day of the race. Registration will close until the next day but there is registration on site. If you can please register online to save some time when you get to the event for both yourself and the volunteers.
Online Registration: http://www.areep.com/online_reg/registration.php?eventID=783
If you want to bring a pre-filled out form you can print it here:
Click to access shxc2016-1.pdf