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2020 Virtual New Paltz XC Summer Series Week 2 Details

Week 2 of the Virtual New Paltz XC Summer Series is starting Monday!

This week takes the classic Patterson’s Pellet course at Minnewaska State Park but we threw in a slight twist at the end.

General Notes
All rules, regulations and fees are required when visiting the actual race courses.
If you register on zippyreg the process is manual to move you to runsignup so you can post results. Please email me and i’ll take care of it as soon as possible.

The course is approximately 3.23 miles. If you aren’t running the actual course you should run 3.23 miles. Reminder that for this virtual summer series you don’t need to run the actual course but it’s definitely more fun.
Starting & Ending at the view of Lake Minnewaska from the upper parking lot you run down the Red Trail towards the swimming section of Minnewaska. You continue on the Red Trail till you hit the Yellow Trail. Continue on the Yellow Trail till you hit your first left trail which will take you to Patterson’s Pellet. When you arrive at the rock please turn around and head back the same way. When you arrive back at the Red Trail you will go right and run around Lake Minnewaska until you return to where you started.
Garmin Map of the course –

Minnewaska State Park –
Minnewaska charges a $10 entry fee per car. Empire Pass is also accepted.
Weekends are busy and the venue closes if the lots fill. DO NOT PARK on the side of the road…you will get ticketed and/or towed.
Park Opens at 9 am and closes at 7 pm
Minnewaska’s parking capacity is reduced due to construction.

Results must be posted between 7/13 and 7/19
Go to this page –;perpage:100
Click on Submit Virtual Results button under the Post Virtual Results Section
You’ll be brought to a page where you can search for your name or email.
If it doesn’t find you please confirm you registered on zippyreg or email me at

Minnewaska State Park COVID-19 Visitation Protocols
Be advised, to encourage social distancing and help stop the spread of COVID-19, many parks have reduced parking by 50% and local roads may have closures in effect. Many popular parks will fill to capacity by noon and close early to incoming visitors and traffic. Closures will be posted here and on our homepage. For real-time traffic updates visit:
Lake Minnewaska and Sam’s Point are experiencing extensive congestion on good-weather days and both sites are subject to intermittent closures as parking lots reach capacity. Please respect our neighbors and surrounding communities: DO NOT park on adjacent roadway shoulders. Alternative destinations can be searched at and
Park Opens at 9 am and closes at 7 pm
Minnewaska’s parking capacity is reduced due to construction.
The Stony Kill Area and Foordmore Area are closed until further notice, access and parking are NOT permitted in these areas.
Minnewaska is closed to buses and equestrian use until further notice. Groups over 25 must obtain a Group Permit from the park office before they visit Minnewaska
 Please remember that while visiting any park, it should be for solitary recreation.
Maintain a distance of 6 feet from others and where crowds are forming, choose a different park.

Any questions or comments can be emailed to Steve @ or Christopher @

~ Christopher

2020 Virtual New Paltz XC Summer Series Week 1 Details

Hear me and rejoice! Week 1 of the Virtual New Paltz XC Summer Series is upon us!

This week is the classic Undercliff / Overcliff course at the West Trapps of the Mohonk Preserve

General Notes
All rules, regulations and fees are required when visiting the actual race courses.

The course is approximately 4.72 miles. If you aren’t running the actual course you should run 4.72 miles. Reminder that for this virtual summer series you don’t need to run the actual course but it’s definitely more fun.

Starting & Ending at the Trapps side of the West Trapps Bridge you will head out either Undercliff or Overcliff. Depending on which way you go you will then return to the West Trapps Bridge the other way. In general most people run out Undercliff and return Overcliff.

Garmin Map of the course –

Mohonk Preserve West Trapps Parking Lot –
Weekends are busy and the venue closes if the lots fill. DO NOT PARK on the side of the road…you will get ticketed and/or towed.
The trailhead will be open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for members and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for day-use visitors.

Results must be posted between 7/6 and 7/12
Go to this page –;perpage:100
Click on Submit Virtual Results button under the Post Virtual Results Section
You’ll be brought to a page where you can search for your name or email.
If it doesn’t find you please confirm you registered on zippyreg or email me at

Mohonk Preserve COVID-19 Visitation Protocols

In accordance with state and CDC guidelines and to ensure the health and safety of members, visitors and staff, Mohonk Preserve has instituted several important protocols for visitation, including:

  • Please recreate close to home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
  • Visitors are required to wear face coverings upon entry.
  • Visitors are required to maintain at least a 6-foot distance from others.
  • No congregating or large groups.
  • Offering touchless transactions with credit or debit cards.
  • The Visitor Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Other trailheads will be open daily from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. for members and from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. for day-use visitors.
  • Trailhead parking lots will be closed and gated at 7 p.m. 

Activities permitted at West Trapps: Walking, Hiking, Running, Cycling, Climbing, Bouldering

This parking lot fills VERY early on peak weekends. On summer and fall weekends, arrive early to ensure a parking space at West Trapps. Or park at the Visitor Center lot and hike up the East Trapps Connector to the Trapps cliffs and to the beginning of the trail and carriage road network.

Take the New Paltz exit 18 off of the NYS Thruway. Go 7 miles west (through New Paltz) on Route 299 to the end: make right on Route 44-55. The Preserve Visitor Center will be 1/2 mile on your right. Go 1.3 miles past the Visitor Center, and turn right into parking area

Any questions or comments can be emailed to Steve @ or Christopher @

Virtual 2020 New Paltz XC Summer Series

Hi Everyone,

The Covid-19 Pandemic has everyone scrambling currently. The Shawangunk Runners Club did not want to just cancel the New Paltz Summer Series so we decided to do it virtually with a twist. Each week we will have a DESIGNATED course that you can run using traditional courses and venues. People will also have the option of running the race distance ANYWHERE. Each week you will have one week to complete each race.

Week #1 7/6-7/12 Undercliff/Overcliff at the Mohonk Preserve 4.72 miles.
Week #2 7/13-7/19 Patterson’s Pellet and more at Lake Minnewaska 4 miles,
Week #3 7/20-7/26 River 2 Ridge at OSI 3 miles,
Week #4 7/27-8/2 Cedar Lollipop Run at Farm Mohonk Preserve 4.75 miles.

Each week kids can run 1/2 miles or one mile. All participants who complete all 4 weeks (including children) will receive the traditional MUG/BOWL made by our potter Solveig Comer. Fees for the entire series will be $10 for individuals, $20 for a nuclear family of 4, $5 for individual children 18 and under. Individuals already members of the Shawangunk Runners the series is free. Each week all registrants will receive an email with a course map and any necessary information

Registration is at

Covid-19 Update

The Shawangunk Runners Board of Directors have decided to cancel the last 3 weeks of our indoor running program at SUNY New Paltz and we are delaying the start of our outdoor Friday night group track workouts until we have more clarity on Covid-19. We are heeding the warning and taking the precautions recommended by the WHO and CDC seriously. The purpose of the precautions are to try and slow the spread of the outbreak so that our health care providers can marshal their resources to provide care for those who need it and save lives. This situation is changing daily and we will inform people of any changes. We regret canceling any workout but feel it is the responsible thing to do at this time.

~ Steve Schallenkamp (President)

Reminder: Annual Club Meeting on Friday! (2/21)

The annual club meeting will be held this Friday, February 21st at the Science Hall Room 272 at SUNY New Paltz at 7:30pm. This meeting is open to all. The main purpose will be to vote on board positions. If you’d like to be nominated for a position on the board please email Steve Schallenkamp (President). We’ll also be discussing other club related items such as races, race directors, race swag and who knows what else. We appreciate all feedback so bring your best and worst ideas. 🙂

Google Map of parking for Science Hall (

2020 Shawangunk Runner Information

Welcome to 2020!

I have a feeling this will be the most exciting year since 2019. We have a bunch of information for you as we start out the year.

First, if you’d like to join the Shawangunk Runners you can do so by downloading the form here and mailing it in. We have a change to membership this year. While membership still gives you a 1 week early registration period to race registration, a $5 discount on our races, and free entry to the summer series. This year we have voted that membership forms must be received by March 31st to receive the free Summer Series Entry benefit.

Second, our Annual Club Meeting will be held February 21st, with a snow date of February 28th. This meeting is open to all. The main purpose will be to vote on board positions. If you’d like to be nominated for a position on the board please email Steve Schallenkamp (President). More details about the where and what time the club meeting will be posted at a later time. Mark your calendars! We’ll also be discussing other club related items such as races, race directors, race swag and who knows what else. Steve always has a story to share if you’re interested.

Finally, the tentative dates for our races are as follows…
Summer Solstice Run 10 Miler Wednesday evening 6/24/20
The 47th New Paltz Summer Series Monday Evenings 7/6, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/3/20.
Rosendale Runs Half Marathon and 4.4 Mile Plains Run Saturday 10/10/20.
After The Leaves Half Marathon Sunday 11/8/20.

Hope to see many of you at the annual meeting!

2019 After The Leaves Have Fallen Half Marathon Results

It was a pretty nice Sunday in November. Much better than last year! Luckily the temperature warmed up a little from Saturday and things weren’t too uncomfortable. Hopefully you all enjoyed the beauty of the trails.

First off we want to thank all the volunteers, who again, without their help we wouldn’t be able to put on our events. We highly recommend volunteering at an event to gain a new appreciation into the sport we love.

We want to thank the Mohonk Preserve for allowing us to hold the race on their property. We will be sending them a list of the emails for Non-Preserve Members and they should be sending you your free day passes.

I’d also like to thank Athletic Brewing for coming to our event and letting you all sample their non-alcoholic brews. You can find more info and where to buy at
Look for them at other events in the area.

Initial results are available here: 2019 After The Leaves Half Marathon Results
* If you notice any problems or have questions please contact me at

That was our last event for the year but we look forward to seeing you in 2020!!!


2019 After The Leaves Half Marathon Pre-Race Info

Race Details…please read through whole post.

Tomorrow is race day! Weather is looking chilly and temperatures should be in the high 30’s by the start of the race with partly cloudy skies. Please dress appropriately with layers.

Google Map of Spring Farm Trailhead in Mohonk Preserve:,-74.126416,18z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89dd1ed5a47dbbe3:0xbbe7834fd129a5d9!2sSpring+Farm+Trailhead+parking,+Marbletown,+NY+12440!3b1!8m2!3d41.7956574!4d-74.1274369!3m4!1s0x0:0xa8ea26e7c9ba3be2!8m2!3d41.7950005!4d-74.1281713

Please carpool to help with parking spots as parking will be tight at Spring Farm.

Check-in begins at 9:30 am at Slingerland Pavilion. This is also where the race will end. We’ll walk you to the start which is up the hill from the finish.

Official race start is 11:00 am. There is a 3 hour time limit. If you need more than 3 hours please follow the Early Starters section below.

General Info
Course: Starting at Cedar and Farm Rd head out Cedar to Mossybrook. Take Maple path to Laurel Ledge up and around Overcliff/Undercliff and come back the same way.

Do not litter on the course! If you have something (empty gel packets, etc) please leave them at the water stations.

BIBs: Are assigned by last name. They MUST be worn on the front and visible. Your bib needs to be recorded and written down after you cross the finish line.

Finisher Glass: You will receive your glass as you exit the finish line chute.

Awards: Top 3 Overall Male / Female, Top 3 Overall Male / Female Masters (over 40), Top 3 in both Male & Female age groups for the following 19 & Under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70 & Over.

Water Stops: approximately at miles 2.5, 4.2, 7, 9 and 10.8. There will only be water at these stations.

Bathrooms: are available near the check-in / finish. There is a bathroom on Undercliff about halfway on the course.

Early starters:  Early start will be at 10:30. Early start is only for runners who believe it will take them more than 3:00 to complete the course. You wear your bib as normal but we need to write down your bib #’s before you start so we can fix your start time in the timing computer.

Post-race Food: Soup, wraps, cookies, brownie bites, bananas, and water. Non-Alcoholic Brews will be provided by

Thanks all, see you tomorrow!

After the Leaves over 2/3rds sold out

As of this moment the 2019 After The Leaves Half Marathon has 86 spots remaining with 21 days to go. At this point I’m assuming the race is going to sell out before then.


Here’s the first look at this years finisher item. Hopefully you like it as it’s a bit different from previous years but I think it’s quite unique. 🙂







Also here’s a look at the bibs and Awards for this year as well. 3 deep in Overall, Masters and 10 year age groups







Finally I’ve gotten a lot of questions regarding the course and it should end up being something like the following…

Note, not all of these are clearly marked so please have a trail map or the garmin course on your watch.

You start at Spring Farm Trailhead in the Mohonk Preserve
Here is the strava –
Here is the garmin course –
Here’s the directions from Jason Taylor
AFTER THE LEAVES HAVE FALLEN: Spring Farm Course (13.1 miles)
1. START at Cedar Drive/Spring Farm Road junction, heading south.
2. Left on Old Glen Anna Road
3. Right on North Lookout Road
4. Left on Glen Anna Path
5. Left on Huguenot Drive
6. Right on Bridge Road
7. Right on Forest Drive
8. Left on Old Stage Road
9. Left on Oakwood Drive
10. Right on Duck Pond Road
11. Right on Glory Hill Road
12. Left on Oakwood Drive
13. Left across Rhododendron Bridge
14. Right on Laurel Ledge Road
15. Left on Maple Path
16. Left on Mossy Brook Road
17. Right on Cedar Drive
18. Left on Spring Farm Road
19. Right at Spring Farm Pavilion
20. FINISH in fields

2019 Rosendale Runs Results

Wow, what an absolutely amazing day to have had this race on. Beautiful bright skies with perfect temperatures allowed for some beautiful views. The colors of the leaves were out of this world out on the rail trail. I actually got to enjoy the half this year and it was spectacular. Thank you to everyone who helped make the event amazing including all of the volunteers, police and fire. Of course without runners we wouldn’t have a race at all, so thank you as well.

The food at the end was also delicious and I can never get enough chocolate milk. We hope you enjoyed the race and will spread the word for next year.

Before the results I want to apologize for not excluding the masters winners from their respective age groups. I fixed it so when looking at the results you may see you moved up a place. I really am sincerely sorry for the mix-up and promise it won’t happen next year.

If there are any issues with the results, if you have any comments or suggestions please send me an email

2019 Rosendale Runs Plains Run Results
2019 Rosendale Runs Half Marathon Results