2019 Summer Solstice Course Map

I’ve had a few people ask me and I finally went out and ran the course today. Well, I ran and walked 🙂 I won’t say it’s not a little difficult especially for those of us runners who aren’t mountain goats. The mountain laurel was out in bloom and it was a beautiful summer morning.

Anyway, you can view the map here... https://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=rfctpotnttxvobci
Instructions are in the link but I'll also put them here:
Start at West Trapps Bridge in Mohonk Preserve
Make a quick left onto Overcliff Carriage Road
@2.3 miles make a left onto a small section of carriage road and then a another left which will put you on Laurel Ledge
Continue on Laurel Ledge until about 4.2 miles where you'll continue right onto Humpty Dumpty Dr.
@4.56 miles male a left onto Short Woodland Drive
@4.85 miles make a right onto Old Minnewaska Trail
@4.94 miles make a left onto Home Farm Drive
@5 miles you'll make another left to stay on Home Farm Drive
@5.09 miles you'll make a left to stay on Home Farm Drive
Just before 5.1 miles you'll make a right onto Forest Drive
@5.16 miles you'll make a right onto Old Stage Rd
@5.73 you'll continue straight onto a single/double track trail called Glory Hill Trail
When Glory Hill Trail hits Oakwood Drive you'll make a hard right
Continue on Oakwood Dr until just after 7 miles when you'll make a left to go over Rhododendron Bridge
Continue straight back onto Overcliff Carriage Road
Overcliff Carriage Road will bring you back to West Trapps Bridge and the finish line 

Finally I'd like to mention that I'll be sending the first email to everyone with some info for the race on Wednesday, 2 weeks before the race. Mohonk Preserve has asked us to make sure we are clear that carpooling is a necessity since parking is limited. Also leave yourself enough time to get to West Trapps Bridge if you have to park at the Mohonk Preserve Visitor Center and hike up (it's about a mile).

Also I’ll be opening up the 46th Annual XC Summer Series on Monday so i’ll make a post about that come Monday.

Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weeked

2019 Summer Solstice Registration OPEN!

Registration for the 2019 Summer Solstice Trail Run is now open for the general public.

Link to registration: https://www.zippyreg.com/online_reg/index.php?e=1263

The race will be held at Mohonk Preserve this year as Minnewaska is doing construction which limits the amount of parking available. The race is on the evening of 6/19 and starts and finishes at the West Trapps parking lot. More information about the course will be available soon but is run on the same type of carriage road as in previous years.

The event usually sells out and is limited to 300 participants. There are no refunds but zippyreg allows registration transfers for a small fee. Register now so you don’t miss out. Custom cooling towel to all finishers.

Registration is also available for Rosendale Runs (Half and 4.4 mile) coming up in October at: https://www.zippyreg.com/online_reg/index.php?e=1236

The New Paltz Cross Country Summer Series will also be starting in July with some new courses this year because of the construction at Minnewaska. Details and registration coming within the next month.

March Update

Reminder of Annual Meeting

Date: March 15, 2019
Place: Science Hall, Room 272, SUNY New Paltz Campus from 7:30-9:00.

  1.  Recap of 2018 (Steve)
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Dan)
  3. Election of Board Officers: Slate of candidates presented by the board.  Nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting.
    • President – Steve Schallenkamp
    • Vice President – Beth Glace
    • Treasurer – Dan Freedman
    • Secretary – Greg Cecere
    • Webmaster and General Tech Guru – Christopher Regan
    • Member-at-Large – Diana Karron
  1. 2019 race calendar
  2. Other business
Hope to see you there!

Upcoming Races

25th Annual Rays’ Run
Sunday March 31st, 2019
Time: 2M Walk / 4M Run @ 12:30pm | Kids Run for Fun  @ 1:15pm
Place: Dietz Stadium, 170 N Front St, Kingston, NY 12401

More details: https://shawangunkrunners.com/raysrun/
Online Registration: https://www.zippyreg.com/online_reg/index.php?e=1209

Rock and Snow Bridge 2 Bridge Run
Date: Saturday April 13th, 2019
Time: 5 Mile check in begins at 8:00 AM. Race starts at 9:00 AM.
Place: Start and finish at the Mohonk Preserve’s Spring Farm Trailhead on Upper 27 Knolls Road (off Mohonk Road) in High Falls, NY.

More details: https://www.mohonkpreserve.org/events/rock-and-snow-bridge-2-bridge-run.html
Online Registration:

Annual Membership Meeting is on 3/15

Agenda for annual meeting of the Shawangunk Runners

Date: March 15, 2019
Place: Science Hall, Room 272, SUNY New Paltz Campus from 7:30-9:00.
Food: Pizza will be provided!

  1.  Recap of 2018 (Steve)
  2. Treasurer’s Report (Dan)
  3. Election of Board Officers: Slate of candidates presented by the board.  Nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting.
    • President – Steve Schallenkamp
    • Vice President – Beth Glace
    • Treasurer – Dan Freedman
    • Secretary – Greg Cecere
    • Webmaster and General Tech Guru – Christopher Regan
    • Member-at-Large – Diana Karron
  1. 2019 race calendar
  2. Other business

If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2019 you can find the form here –
You can either mail it in or bring it to the meeting.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us.

(CANCELLED) 2018 After The Leaves Half Marathon

It is with utmost displeasure I have to write this post.

We have been in discussions with the Mohonk Preserve over the past few days about the impending storm. While we wanted to wait and see how things looked on Saturday the outlook for the mountain is for a significant snowfall amount. Since temperatures on the mountain tend to be lower and there are areas that get little in the way of sunlight it has been determined that there may be some treacherous areas. With wet snow, ice and water on top of a layer of leaves we find it in the best interest of everyone to cancel the After The Leaves Half Marathon.

We understand that many, if not all, will be disappointed with this decision. We too are disappointed we can’t have the race. Many hours by multiple people have gone into having everything ready for you come Sunday.

We have made the decision to refund you the full amount of your entry. Thanks to ZippyReg for allowing us to do this. If you ever need a platform for online registrations for races please consider them, they are a wonderful team out of Albany. http://zippyreg.com

We hope to see you at future events!

P.S. We’re going to try to reschedule the event for early spring (before the trees bud). We’ll make sure to send an email to all those who were registered if we decide to go that route.

Shawangunk Runners

After The Leaves Have Fallen Course Details

I’ve gotten a few questions about the course and figured I’d post so others can have some info about the course they’ll be running…

You start at Spring Farm Trailhead in the Mohonk Preserve
Here is the garmin course – https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/20897330
Here’s the directions from Jason Taylor
AFTER THE LEAVES HAVE FALLEN: Spring Farm Course (13.1 miles)
1. START at Cedar Drive/Spring Farm Road junction, heading south.
2. Left on Old Glen Anna Road
3. Right on North Lookout Road
4. Left on Glen Anna Path
5. Left on Huguenot Drive
6. Right on Bridge Road
7. Right on Forest Drive
8. Left on Old Stage Road
9. Left on Oakwood Drive
10. Right on Duck Pond Road
11. Right on Glory Hill Road
12. Left on Oakwood Drive
13. Left across Rhododendron Bridge
14. Right on Laurel Ledge Road
15. Left on Maple Path
16. Left on Mossy Brook Road
17. Right on Cedar Drive
18. Left on Spring Farm Road
19. Right at Spring Farm Pavilion
20. FINISH in fields

Rosendale Runs Results

A beautiful crisp fall day in the Hudson Valley brought us pretty perfect weather for the Rosendale Runs Plains Run and Half Marathon. We had a great turnout and, as far as I could tell, everyone enjoyed themselves. Hopefully there weren’t too many trips, falls, and skinned knees. I hope you got to enjoy the leaves and the beauty that is Rosendale, NY.

I want to thank the race directors Steve & Lisa as I know they put in countless hours getting things ready for all of you. I want to thanks the numerous volunteers who got up early and spent hours making sure you were taken care of on the course. I want to thank the fire, police & the many people from Rosendale who made the streets safe and kept you on track. There would be no races without these people. May I suggest you volunteer for a race sometime to see how much goes into it and get a different perspective. It’s a life changing event that brings great pleasure and joy.

I hope you all liked the mugs, medals & awards. I heard there was some pretty great food. I got to sample the wraps which I thought were great and I always love Chocolate Milk. I heard rumblings of some apple crumb pound cake that was fantastic that I didn’t get to try.

Now that I’ve made you read enough here are links to the results…

Half Marathon Resultshttps://shawangunkrunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-Rosendale-Runs-Half-Marathon-Results.pdf

Plains Runhttps://shawangunkrunners.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/2018-Rosendale-Runs-Plains-Run-Results.pdf

Once again, thank you for coming out to run with us and we truly hope you enjoyed it. If there’s any issues with results, comments or suggestions please email me @ christopher.regan@gmail.com and i’ll make sure we discuss them.

Rosendale Runs Race Day Information

Hello Rosendale Run runners!!!  

With all this rain, how can we not have a beautiful day on Saturday, October 20, 2018, however, that is one thing we cannot control!  Currently weather is looking mostly cloudy with temps in the lower 50’s.

Just a reminder that the race is at the Rosendale Recreation Center, 1055 NY-32, Rosendale, New York and parking is available at the Recreation Center. Please carpool to make parking easier for everyone. Google Maps Link – https://goo.gl/rBVMoA

Day Of Registration & Bib Pickup begins at 7:15 am
Both the Half Marathon and the 4.4 mile run will go off together at 8:30 a.m.  

Just a few notes for the day of the run.  In view of the fact that a portion of James Street is under construction, we had to change the route slightly.  The start line will still be at the rear of the Rosendale Rec Center on James Street. The 4.4 miler, when on Elting Road, will turn down Sand Hill Road and there will be a volunteer at the top and bottom of Sand Hill to direct you.  The Half Milers will do the same route, running down Elting onto the Trestle and we will have volunteers there as well to direct you. The major change is that both runs (13.1 and 4.4) will go down and through Main Street, looping back around to James Street where the finish line will be.

It is very important that when crossing the bridge from James Street and onto Main Street that all runners stay on the right hand side of the road.  We have been advised to encourage the runners to NOT use the sidewalk on Main Street, however, stay on the right hand side of Main Street, as all roads will remain open to traffic.  There will be one point however, closer to Main Street where you will have to get off the road and run behind the guardrail onto the sidewalk so that you can loop around over the bridge on Rt. 32 staying on the sidewalk.  We will have a volunteer there to direct you. The Rosendale Police Department is kind enough to put out an order that there will be no parking on the right hand side of Main Street where the runners will run during that morning.  

After crossing the finish line you’ll collect your finisher mug. Individual results will be available from the results kiosk and we’ll get the results up online @ shawangunkrunners.com as soon as possible.

See you all in the morning!

After The Leaves Registration Open

After The Leaves Half Marathon registration is open to everyone at this point…

Registration is limited to 300 entrants. Once the race is sold out the registration page will go back to “needing a code” but that does not mean spots are available. There is transfers through zippyreg for $5 fee if someone wants to transfer.

May the odds be ever in your favor 😀
